Boys and Girls Forever:Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter

Author(s): Alison Lurie

Cultural Studies

It often seems that the most gifted authors of books for children are not like other writers: instead, in some essential way, they are children themselves. E.Nesbit devoted weeks to building a toy town out of blocks and kitchenware. James Barrie spent his holidays playing pirates and Indians with the four Davies boys. Laurent deBrunhoff, who has continued his father's Babar series for many years, is still climbing trees at the age of 70. Beatrix Potter preferred the company of animals and pets to that of eligible young dancing partners at balls. In these fascinating studies, Alison Lurie's subjects range from what fairy tales tell us, to children's games and poetry by and for children, from book illustrators to enchanted forests and secret gardens in children's literature.

General Information

  • : 9780099453895
  • : vinteb
  • : vinteb
  • : books

Other Specifications

  • : Alison Lurie
  • : Paperback
  • : JUNE04