Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, and Joy

Author(s): Mallika Chopra


"I'm trying to meditate one day but urgent thoughts keep intruding. "Don't forget to take cupcakes to school! I have to prepare for my presentation for the wellness conference! Is that lunch with the other moms tomorrow or next week?" My to-do list is stampeding through my mind, trampling any chance of tranquility. I feel overwhelmed, yes, but there's more: I feel...guilty. Guilty that I'm taking on too much, guilty that I'm not doing anything well, guilty that I'm giving short shrift to my kids, my husband, my job. "And what about you, Mallika?" a quiet voice asks. "How are you shortchanging yourself?"" "Living with Intent" is a chronicle of Mallika Chopra's search to find more meaning, joy, and balance in life. She hopes that by telling her story, she can inspire others with her own successes (and failures) as well as share some of the wisdom she has gathered from friends, experts, and family along the way-- people like her dad, Deepak, as well as Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Arianna Huffington, Andrew Weil, and Dan Siegel. She also provides a practical road map for how we can all move from thought to action to outcome. Each chapter is devoted to one step on her journey and another piece of her INTENT action plan: Incubate, Notice, Trust, Express, Nurture, and Take Action. Chopra's insights and advice will help us all come closer to fully living the lives we truly intend.

General Information

  • : 9780804139854
  • : Random House USA Inc
  • : Harmony Books
  • : 0.567
  • : 01 April 2015
  • : United States
  • : 01 June 2015
  • : books

Other Specifications

  • : Mallika Chopra
  • : Hardback
  • : 1
  • : 288
  • : illustrations

More About The Product

"More and more, people realize the value of approaching life with a mindful, purposeful spirit. With this insightful and often funny memoir, Mallika Chopra gives ideas and encouragement to anyone who wants to live with intent." -- Gretchen Rubin, bestselling author of "The Happiness Project" and "Better Than Before"" ""Clearly, Deepak is not the only lifestyle sage in the Chopra family. Mallika is warm, wise, and witty and LIVING WITH INTENT is a wonderful and helpful read." --Don Miguel Ruiz, bestselling author of "The Four Agreements""Mallika Chopra is a refreshingly honest writer who shares her transformative journey from stress, fear, doubt, overwhelm, procrastination and guilt into a life of true happiness and self-acceptance. This brilliant book provides a template of gentle, doable, baby-steps that will take you by the hand and lead you to living a joyful life. Reading this book is like having the world's best friend on speed dial." --Arielle Ford, author of "The Soulmate Secret""Whether we know it or not, we matter; today matters. Mallika Chopra shows us all how to live quiet lives of inspiration. Her book and journey are not to be missed." --Elizabeth Gilbert, bestselling author of "Eat, Pray, Love ""Mallika's unfettered account of her own path to intention gave me the comfort of knowing we all have our starts and stumbles in this arena, even a Chopra. She is an everywoman - an everymom - who openly struggles with life balance, spirituality, and insecurities like the rest of us. It's a windy road, but her steps of INTENT help to gently bring things back into focus. I'm happy to be on my journey with my friend and fellow chocoholic Mallika." --Jennifer Garner "How to live with intent?! To desire it is far from living it. Mallika Chopra leads the reader through her own path with bare honesty....Parents who feel too busy with the minutiae of daily life will relate intimately to her experience...Could start a global conversation about living with intent that we should all embrace." --Elissa Epel, PhD, Professor, UCSF Department of Psychiatry "When's the last time you slowed down, reflected deeply, and were satisfied with what you saw? In this warm, inspiring, and practical memoir, Mallika Chopra reconnects with her passions and daily purpose. For anyone interested in a journey of self-reflection and joyful discovery, Chopra makes a delightful companion and guide." --Jack Canfield, co-author "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and "The Success Principles" " "Living with Intent" offers us a gentle reminder that happiness and peace are a choice we make. This book awakens the presence of our inner wisdom and power so that we can enhance our capacity to serve the world." --Gabrielle Bernstein, "New York Times "bestselling author of "Miracles Now ""If you're spinning through your days wondering when you'll stop churning and instead start thriving, then you have to read Mallika's book. With humor, courage, and great insight she shares the keys to a purpose-filled life." --Chade-Meng Tan, Jolly Good Fellow of Google and New York Times bestselling author of "Search Inside Yourself" "Mallika Chopra has taught me through her powerful example of the importance of daily intentions. Through her personal story, Mallika sweetly reminds us of our own power to affect positive, lasting change in our lives, and consequently in the lives of everyone around us. Read this and prepare to have a big shift in perspective that changes everything for the positive." --Tara Stiles, founder of Strala Yoga and author of "Make Your Own Rules Diet" "Mallika Chopra's "Living with Intent "is a profoundly relatable roadmap for those of us struggling to stay afloat in our chaotic lives." --Lisa Ling, journalist

MALLIKA CHOPRA is the successful author of two previous gift books for parents, "100 Promises to My Baby "and "100 Questions from My Child." She is a busy mom of two, a successful entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of and "Intent Blog," a social media site and its sister blog. Mallika enjoys speaking to audiences around the world at venues like TEDx, Ideacity, the California Women's Conference, and "Prevention"'s R3 Summit. She has degrees from Brown University and the Kellogg School of Management.